Harsh winter conditions can cause a significant amount of damage to your lawn. Homeowners pay due heed to their lawns and landscapes during the falls, but overlook the fact that they need to prepare their landscape for the harsh winter season as well. You need to protect your lawn and landscape from heavy snow, icy winds and other fungal issues. In order to help you prevent winter and cold damage, the snow removal companies in Calgary have provided a few tips helping homeowners safeguard their lawns.
Continue watering: One of the biggest misconception people have about grass during winter is that it doesn't need watering because it doesn't grow in that season. But, reality is totally different. If it snows in your area, then the melting snow will be enough to maintain the water levels in the grass. But, if you live in a warmer climate, you can limit the amount of watering the plants, but don't stop it. Although, grass doesn't grow in the winter but it still needs moisture, so water is necessary.
Fertilize and feed: Make sure you provide fertilizer to your grass and landscaping plants before the winter sets in. You can visit your local garden center to get the right products that will best suit your climate and region. Plants require food in the winter and fertilizer will keep the grass roots stronger for the following season. This should be done before the first snow fall.
Grass should be mowed: The length of your grass play a vital role in keeping it healthy during the winter. It would be easy for cold winds to reach the roots if the length of the grass is too short. And in case the grass is too long, it might get attacked by mold or disease. In case you find that the grass is not growing, stop cutting it and leave it for a few weeks.
Rake leaves and debris regularly: Your grass requires sufficient sunlight during the winter months. You need to make sure that the grass gets ample sunlight and air, and for that rake up leaves and debris throughout the season. If you left leaves and debris over the grass, it gets mold, and disease, which is quite common in winter months. It is advised to never leave trash bags, trash cans or other heavy items on grass for a longer period of time.
With a little maintenance and care, you will find your yard and landscaping better and fresh throughout the year. Consider mulching plant beds and landscaping area to provide an extra protection against cold and harsh winters. You can also call in our professionals at The Lawnfather for snow removal services in Calgary. We are not limited to just snow removal services, we also do lawn cleaning, hedge trimming and fence and deck building services.