Saturday, 25 July 2015

Expert Tips For Safe Snow Removal Calgary

In Calgary, winter typically synonyms with snow, and the winter this year seems to have followed the same concept. Once the charm of a new snowfall wears off, property owners are often left with snow mountains to remove from their driveways and front yards.

Snow removal Calgary is a must, but it is important to do so in the safest manner.  Let's have a look at some expert tips to keep in mind.

1. Understand the Dangers

The first step to keeping yourself safe during the snow removal process is to understand the dangers you may face. When it comes to snow removal, the leading cause of injury and death is gravity. There is a risk of falling off the edge while removing snow and ice from the roof. The cold-weather is another concern, especially when the temperatures fall to sub-freezing levels.

2. Know your roof

If you are familiar with your roof, it becomes easier to minimize the risk of accidents caused by unexpected factors. Familiarize yourself with things such as the maximum load your roof can take – taking into account the weight of all the snow and ice. If there are any gutters that could pose slipping hazards, make sure you are aware of them. These things often get concealed by snow and it is easy to trip over them.

3. Avoid heights

One easy way to ensure you don't fall off the roof is to simply avoid going there in the first place. It is recommended to clear the snow and ice from the ground. Better yet, call the professionals for snow removal services Calgary. They can apply deicer to prevent the formation of more ice.

4. Don't let snow accumulate

It is much easier and safer to remove 2 inches of snow than trying to shovel 20 inches. Snow accumulates very quickly, and as new snow falls, the snow beneath may freeze, creating a stiff layer of ice that's even more difficult to shovel. Don't wait until snow piles up into a bigger problem before addressing removal.

5. Practice proper lifting form

Much like lifting heavy boxes and equipment, moving huge amounts of snow can pose a risk to those who don't use the right tools and techniques. Do not attempt such difficult physical task without warming up your body first. In fact, since snow removal Calgary takes place out in the freezing weather, it's even more important to warm up your body.

Not only can pile up snow create inconvenience by blocking walkways, it can also be a risk if allowed to accumulate on your property, and can even cause expensive damage. Contact snow removal services Calgary to ensure the work is done professionally and safely.

If you are looking for snow removal services in Calgary, contact Lawnfather. We efficiently remove snow from both residential and commercial facilities.